Yes the location of Egypt during biblical times is AFRICA also the place where two of children of Noah migrated to Asia and Asia Minor. Genesis 10 is evidence that the children of Ham/Kama remained in east Africa until the invasion of the Arabs. According to Dr. Diop this was originally the land of the people called Negros and this name could be a translation of the word Negro. The original face of the sphinx is that of physical features of the African.
The Nile river is located on the continent of Africa and therefore Egypt is in Africa.
Psalm 78:51 Says, the Lord smote all the firstborn in Egypt, the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:
Psalm 105:23 "Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham."
Psalm 105: 26 - 27 "He sent Moses his servant; and Aaron whom he had chosen. They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham."
Egypt is in Africa
The Brothers of Egypt
According to Genesis10 Ham is the father of Kush, Canaan, Egypt also known as Massai or Mizraim and Punt (possibly Nubia). According to Hebrew text, the original name of Egypt is Massa-ram (Mitzraim - Modern Hebrew). The difference been biblical Egypt, Kush, Nubia, and Canaan is Egypt was conquered by the Greeks and Romans between the old New Testament. The Greek & Roman rulers interbred into the family of the original rulers which made them a mixed race. The Bible identifies the area of the Nile including Egypt as the land of Ham. (Psalm 28:23)
The rule of Egypt and his brothers
There are times that the brothers Kush, Egypt, Punt and Canaan fought each other to become pharaoh, but according to many history books they shared a region in Nubia as holy land to which even the non-native Pharaohs made pilgrimages. Genesis 1:27 uses the phrase “let us make man” and these sons of Han honored a pantheon of Gods (Genesis 1:27) but because each god represented different intellectual concepts and political views, upon becoming the brothers governed based on the political beliefs associated to a specific God in their pantheon of Gods.
The Pharaohs of Egypt and Moses
Exodus chapter one is evidence that sometimes two or more Pharaohs served in the Nile at the same time. The writer of Exodus states Moses was adopted by one Pharoah while another Pharoah was killing the Hebrew children. One of these Pharaohs was native to Nile and the other came from East Asia. Please use dates in your Bible to confirm!
Genesis 10 The father and Grandfather of Egypt
As we study the Bible, the history of Africa and Asia, we should keep in mind that these people have a common ancestor and according to Genesis 10 his name is Noah known as the NK or the Naka, and after his death, the land of West Asia and East Africa also known as the Orion or Orient was distributed amongst his children Ham, Japeth and Shem. Ham was giving the Nile Civilization, and we know this because only Shem and Japeth migrated to west Asia.
Genesis 9 The covenant of God of Egypt and Noah
Pharoah, and the covenant of Noah (NK) was rooted in diplomacy before violence as seen in the actions of the Pharoah towards Moses in the book of Exodus. What happened to the children of Ham (Kama) and why are the names of his children Massai, Nubia and Canaan erased from the land?
Ham is also known translated as Kama, Cham, & Gama, is he the ancestor of the Cambodians are they the brothers of Egypt through Canaan and are they of African descent? do your own research on the origin of the letter H and the Ka symbol.
Reference Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia, a glorious past by Ernestine Jenkins