Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Is Egypt in Africa?

Yes the location of Egypt during biblical times is AFRICA also the place where two of children of Noah migrated to Asia and Asia Minor. Genesis 10 is evidence that the children of Ham/Kama remained in east Africa until the invasion of the Arabs. According to Dr. Diop this was originally the land of the people called Negros and this name could be a translation of the word Negro.  The original face of the sphinx is that of physical features of the African. 

The Nile river is located on the continent of Africa and therefore Egypt is in Africa. 

Psalm 78:51 Says, the Lord smote all the firstborn in Egypt, the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:

 Psalm 105:23 "Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham."

Psalm 105: 26 - 27 "He sent Moses his servant; and Aaron whom he had chosen. They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham."

Egypt is in Africa 

Egypt is in Africa because Psalms says the Lord showed his signs and wonders in the land of Ham and we know the Egypt is the name of the place where the plagues took place therefore Egypt was a city in the region of Ham. According to the history books the word Egypt is a translation of the name of the city in Memphis called Hakapatah and translated into the word Egypt by the Greeks and Romans. According to history books is the location of the temples of Patah the God of the craftsmen and architects. It is the border of the two lands of Lower Nile region and the Upper Nile region that was close to Nubia. 

The Brothers of Egypt 

According to Genesis10 Ham is the father of Kush, Canaan, Egypt also known as Massai or Mizraim and Punt (possibly Nubia). According to Hebrew text, the original name of Egypt is Massa-ram (Mitzraim - Modern Hebrew). The difference been biblical Egypt, Kush, Nubia, and Canaan is Egypt was conquered by the Greeks and Romans between the old New Testament.  The Greek & Roman rulers interbred into the family of the original rulers which made them a mixed race. The Bible identifies the area of the Nile including Egypt as the land of Ham. (Psalm 28:23)

The rule of Egypt and his brothers

There are times that the brothers Kush, Egypt, Punt and Canaan fought each other to become pharaoh, but according to many history books they shared a region in Nubia as holy land to which even the non-native Pharaohs made pilgrimages. Genesis 1:27 uses the phrase “let us make man” and these sons of Han honored a pantheon of Gods (Genesis 1:27) but because each god represented different intellectual concepts and political views, upon becoming the brothers governed based on the political beliefs associated to a specific God in their pantheon of Gods. 

The Pharaohs of Egypt and Moses 

Exodus chapter one is evidence that sometimes two or more Pharaohs served in the Nile at the same time. The writer of Exodus states Moses was adopted by one Pharoah while another Pharoah was killing the Hebrew children. One of these Pharaohs was native to Nile and the other came from East Asia. Please use dates in your Bible to confirm! 

Genesis 10 The father and Grandfather of Egypt 

As we study the Bible, the history of Africa and Asia, we should keep in mind that these people have a common ancestor and according to Genesis 10 his name is Noah known as the NK or the Naka, and after his death, the land of West Asia and East Africa also known as the Orion or Orient was distributed amongst his children Ham, Japeth and Shem. Ham was giving the Nile Civilization, and we know this because only Shem and Japeth migrated to west Asia.

Genesis 9 The covenant of God of Egypt and Noah 

Pharoah, and the covenant of Noah (NK) was rooted in diplomacy before violence as seen in the actions of the Pharoah towards Moses in the book of Exodus. What happened to the children of Ham (Kama) and why are the names of his children Massai, Nubia and Canaan erased from the land? 

Ham is also known translated as Kama, Cham, & Gama, is he the ancestor of the Cambodians are they the brothers of Egypt through Canaan and are they of African descent? do your own research on the origin of the letter H and the Ka symbol. 

Reference Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia, a glorious past by Ernestine Jenkins

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The calendar of Ham/Kama vs the Hebrew calendar

Some how either Noah or someone in the old testament was able to determine the year Noah and his family exited the ark.  We can see these dates in Genesis 8:13 and 14.
Please see the above video for more details regarding the date the Ark was opened and exited and keep in mind the year 601 of Genesis is thousands of years before the year 601 BCE/BC the book of Jeremiah and a portion of 2Kings of the bible. The Romans changed the years to represent their rise to power andthe dates in the bible are now descending and the years representing the rule of Rome are ascending. 

The Hebrew calendar is 5783 years old. This includes the four hundred year period of greek rule , two thousand and twenty four years of roman rule 

The year 4361 year the ark landed and Noah could have be one appointed king The event the ark appeating took place 6385 years ago. 

The bible provides dates along side events and this means a calendar was used during the old testament, long before the creation of the Hebrew calendar. Something we want to keep in mind is the decree of Genesis 1:14, that states the man should use the lights of the universe to determine time, seasons, days and nights.  Apparently this is what Noah used to determine the duration of the rain and flood. 

The video above includes a copy of the Hebrew/Jewish calendar but lets keep in mind that the Nile civilization ( Kush, Canaan, Misaraim (Egypt) and Punt (Nubia) were the grandchildren of Noah and they used the first recorded 365 day calendar, while the (hebrews) and people of Asia used a 344-355 day calendar. 

With that said, I would assume the family of Noah/Noach (son of Lamach) observed similar sacred days but somehow they some used different lights to determine time. It seems the children of Ham (Chama, Kam) used a solar based calendar while the children who migrated to Arabia used the lunar lights and some used both solar and lunar.  Which one of the priesthoods of the Nile civilzation created the 365 day calendar? Was it the Priest of Ra, Amun, Shua, Jehovah or another priesthood?

 You can exBCEpolore Genesis 7 and 8 to calculate the number of days Noah/Noak ( son of Lamach) and his family spent in the ark to determine if Noah used a 365 day calendar or the Hebrew/Asatic 344-354 day calender. Just remember the 601 represents a calender that begins at zero and should not be confused with the year 601 during the year of the events in the books of Kings and Jeremiah! 

more to come... 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Was Moses a real person?



The bible states, "he was given the name Moses because he was taken from the water" but there is one problem with that theory. Wadi is the ancient word for water. Moses was named by the Pharaohs not the Hebrews and therefore we cannot soley depend on Hebrew to understand the name Moses or many other words in the bible.

Moses (Wadikafara) also possibly known as KaMoses would have five names according to the practices of ancient African rulers.  This name includes the Ka symbol meaning spirit which could define KaMoses as the spiritual son of Masas.  Keep in mind ancient writing had no vowels please refer to the original Hebrew for evidence and the hieroglyphics. 

Moses adopted father and mother.

Exodus 2 KJV - And there went a man of the house of - Bible Gateway

If the Moses of the bible is Wadikafara sometimes spelled WADJKHEPERRE this means he is the adopted son of a Pharoah of the 17th dynasty the Pharoah and is called by his historical name KaMose.  His Grandfather could be Asakamara (Skhmare) his mother, possible stepdaughter or full daughter Ahhotep adopts Moses and marries her (tetisuri) her step-mothers Son, Sakannanre, who becomes the Pharoah.  The husband dies and Moses (KaMose) becomes a Pharoah, co-regent with his mother. There is another child, and his name is Ahmose who seems to be the biological son of Tetisuri and Sakananara. 

Aaron is older than Moses Exodus 7:7 says Aaron was 3 years older than Moses and this means the decree to murder the Hebrew children came after the birth of Aaron. Miriam was the half-sister of Aaron and Moses.  

Was Moses an asylum seeker or an immigrant?

The history books state Kamose of history (Wadikafara), died but the ancient people did not believe in death therefore this could mean his name was erased from history and that he was considered as dead to the native people. The bible says no one knew where Moses was buried and there was a dispute over who should take his body. 

Ancient text and history books state Kamose disobeyed the instructions of the elders and went to war against the Pharoahs of the Delta region. If he violated the principles of the land (Ma'at) being erased from history is in line, the biblical text that say he fled to another land meaning he was asylum seeker or an immigrant in Midian which is in Arabia.  Read his story for yourself. the story of Kamose is in any book about the African Pharoahs. 

When you see the image of Wadikafara in this video above notice he does not resemble the rest of the family. The family of Abraham comes from West Asia and the people of India had different features than the people of Africa. This can also provide information about the physical features of some of the tribes of Israel. 

Is the story of Moses and Exodus history or spiritual? 

The Death of Moses 

5 So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord.

6 And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day.

7 And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.

8 And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days: so, the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.

9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Confirmation regarding the chaos centered around the death of Moses this is in line with the burial of KaMoses who was not buried in the valley of the Kings where many Pharaohs were buried. Keep in mind that Moses' 2nd wife was either a Kushite or a Nubian princess.

Numbers 12:1 KJV - And Miriam and Aaron spake against - Bible Gateway

And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.


1. History says Kamose died but death in the ancient world was also considered being exiled, banished or having your name erased.

2. Did any of the Pharoahs of the 18th dynasty bury a first-born child - Death of the first born 

3. Moses met the Lord God in the mountains of Arabia what was the ancient name for the God of Arabia in Horeb.

4. Are the chronicles of the 17th and 18th dynasty in line with the book of Exodus?

All information in this blog is subject to change upon receiving new facts. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

African origin of the holy ghost


The Holy Ghost versus the Holy Spirit  

The Holy Ghost?  

The word Holy Ghost has many definitions, the seat of life or intelligence, a soul giving up the ghost, or a disembodied soul of a dead person. This term Ghost is used in the bible when referring to Abraham, Genesis 25:8 says Abraham gave up the ghost but is his spirit the holy ghost? I say no, because the holy ghost represents someone who is considered a saint and Abraham is a father of a tribe, he is not a saint.  

Is the Holy Ghost Jesus of Nasereth? 

Many people say the Holy ghost is the spirit of Jesus, but we want to keep in mind that before Jesus was born and resurrected, John and his mother Elisabeth were filled with the holy ghost. (Luke 1:15 and 41). Traditional teaching says prior to the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy ghost visited man and returned to heaven; yet the Holy ghost is living in John pre-birth and resurrection. 

Based on the definition of the word saint the person whose spirit is still alive and living in people would be Noah also known as Noach or NK.  Noach/Noah is an ancient father, and he is a Saint.  Noah was a saint because he was just and perfect (Genesis 5) and the characteristics of Jesus are a carbon copy of Noach.  

The African word for the holy Ghost  

Three words from the ancient world that could be related to the Holy Ghost are Naga (Japan), the Egun (Africa),  Aqen (the Pharoahs) one of the reasons we believe this could be the ancestor Noah is because his descendants were spread out into Asia and the Egun and the Naga include the same symbols. The African deity called the Egun, could be the Holy Ghost because it includes the ancient symbols of the names Enoch and Noach/Noah. There is a difference between a Ghost, the Holy spirit and Holy ghost.  The holy ghost represents a specific saintly deceased person in the bible, possibly in the beginning of book of Genesis. Bothe the tribes of Asia and Africa believed in Reincarnation and ancestor veneration.  

The Holy Spirit 

The holy spirit called the breath meaning is  

Is Egypt in Africa?

Yes the location of Egypt during biblical times is AFRICA also the place where two of children of Noah migrated to Asia and Asia Minor. Gene...