Moses (Wadikafara) also possibly known as KaMoses would have five names according to the practices of ancient African rulers. This name includes the Ka symbol meaning spirit which could define KaMoses as the spiritual son of Masas. Keep in mind ancient writing had no vowels please refer to the original Hebrew for evidence and the hieroglyphics.
Moses adopted father and mother.
Exodus 2 KJV - And there went a man of the house of - Bible Gateway
If the Moses of the bible is Wadikafara sometimes spelled WADJKHEPERRE this means he is the adopted son of a Pharoah of the 17th dynasty the Pharoah and is called by his historical name KaMose. His Grandfather could be Asakamara (Skhmare) his mother, possible stepdaughter or full daughter Ahhotep adopts Moses and marries her (tetisuri) her step-mothers Son, Sakannanre, who becomes the Pharoah. The husband dies and Moses (KaMose) becomes a Pharoah, co-regent with his mother. There is another child, and his name is Ahmose who seems to be the biological son of Tetisuri and Sakananara.
Aaron is older than Moses Exodus 7:7 says Aaron was 3 years older than Moses and this means the decree to murder the Hebrew children came after the birth of Aaron. Miriam was the half-sister of Aaron and Moses.
Was Moses an asylum seeker or an immigrant?
The history books state Kamose of history (Wadikafara), died but the ancient people did not believe in death therefore this could mean his name was erased from history and that he was considered as dead to the native people. The bible says no one knew where Moses was buried and there was a dispute over who should take his body.
Ancient text and history books state Kamose disobeyed the instructions of the elders and went to war against the Pharoahs of the Delta region. If he violated the principles of the land (Ma'at) being erased from history is in line, the biblical text that say he fled to another land meaning he was asylum seeker or an immigrant in Midian which is in Arabia. Read his story for yourself. the story of Kamose is in any book about the African Pharoahs.
When you see the image of Wadikafara in this video above notice he does not resemble the rest of the family. The family of Abraham comes from West Asia and the people of India had different features than the people of Africa. This can also provide information about the physical features of some of the tribes of Israel.
Is the story of Moses and Exodus history or spiritual?
The Death of Moses
Confirmation regarding the chaos centered around the death of Moses this is in line with the burial of KaMoses who was not buried in the valley of the Kings where many Pharaohs were buried. Keep in mind that Moses' 2nd wife was either a Kushite or a Nubian princess.
Numbers 12:1 KJV - And Miriam and Aaron spake against - Bible Gateway
And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
1. History says Kamose died but death in the ancient world was also considered being exiled, banished or having your name erased.
2. Did any of the Pharoahs of the 18th dynasty bury a first-born child - Death of the first born
3. Moses met the Lord God in the mountains of Arabia what was the ancient name for the God of Arabia in Horeb.
4. Are the chronicles of the 17th and 18th dynasty in line with the book of Exodus?
All information in this blog is subject to change upon receiving new facts. .